Our software and analytics solutions assist telecom companies to improve operational efficiencies, target and service customers better and increase return on invested capital in the business.

We offer standardised as well as customised analytics solutions developed around the specific needs of our customers.

Our key areas of focus include 
 Telecom Product Cost Models

Parcus Group can develop Fully Allocated Cost Models (FAC), Long Run Incremental Cost Models (LRIC), Bottom-Up (BU) and Top-Down (TD) Cost Models, Hybrid Cost Models and others as required.
  Telecom Churn Prediction Analytics and Models

Parcus Group can develop comprehensive telecom customer churn prediction models for corporate or residential customers.
The models assess all customers and aim to predict churn and loyalty behaviour based on the analysis of demographic data, customer purchases history, service usage and billing data. All characteristics and transactions are analysed, ranked and modelled to create customer or segment loyalty profiles.   
       Credit Risk Analytics

Parcus credit analytics solution for telecoms is driven by two analytical models: one for businesses and one for individual customers. Models are built on individual customers historic application, accounts and bureau data.
The models assess new applications based on demographic, product and bureau characteristics and aggregate a credit score to rank them against the applicant profile. Based upon the credit score and a predetermined risk strategy, applications will be recommended for pre or post payment plans.  
  Product Management Software Tools

Parcus Group Product Management Software Tools cover all aspects of telecom product development and lifecycle process. Tools pack is characterised by a large amount of practical and interactive tools and templates delivered in 3 modules including end to end product development, workflow management and product lifecycle management.   
  Other Analytics Services

Our expertise also covers telecom financial and risk consulting, technical and business strategy services. For example we offer:
• Telecom product cost modelling
• Telecom product pricing analysis and price modelling
• Customers and market segmentation analytics 
• Revenue assurance analytics 
• Fraud management analytics