Parcus Group to Develop Customer Churn Prediction Models for PNG Bmobile

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

Parcus Group, a leading provider of analytics, training and consulting services for the telecom sector announced today that it has signed an agreement with Bmobile in Papua New Guinea (PNG) to provide data science analytics services covering creation, implementation and support of telecom customer churn prediction models.

“Winning another growing mobile telecom carrier contract this time with Bmobile in PNG, proves the benefits of our telecom specific orientation and our rich analytics experience. Churn management is one of the fundamental parts of the Customer Relationship and Value Management (CVM). The premise of solid understanding of customer needs and behaviour, coupled with focus on customer experience has been proven to lead to superior customer retention, higher Net Promoter Scores (NPS) and better, longer customer relationships. Bmobile leadership understood this and we are very pleased to be collaborating with their teams in this important undertaking” said Thushare Dissanayake, Head of Analytic at Parcus Group.

“Bmobile is growing in the PNG mobile market and we are in the process of re-focusing the company into a customer centric business. This means that we must understand our customers better, analyse the data we have and react accordingly, all with the aim of keeping more customers and making them happy. Parcus Group were able to demonstrate they had the skills and experience to undertake this important project. Their customer centric approach and focus on business improvements will complement our market knowledge and contribute positively to the growth and professional development of our staff and business.” added Amos Tepi, Acting CEO of Bmobile.

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