Parcus Group Signs an Agreement with PNG DataCo

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, Hong Kong, SAR China and Melbourne, Australia

Parcus Group, a leading provider of product management training and consulting services for the telecom sector announced today that it has signed an agreement with PNG DataCo to deliver product development training to several business units within the telecom provider.

“We are pleased to announce another agreement, this time with PNG DataCo. This contract further proves the benefits of our telecom specific orientation and our wide experience. Our aim in this engagement is to deliver meaningful improvements in telecom product development and delivery of market competitive products while increasing staff productivity and skills for PNG DataCo” said Igor Glavanic, Managing Director of Parcus Group. “Currently a large number of countries around the world are undertaking fibre-based national network deployments and PNG is one of them. These projects bring a very unique set of challenges during construction, but in the long run, one of their main effects is increased reliance of customers on telecom services in their everyday lives. As such, carriers have to ‘step-up’ in terms of their understanding of customers needs and develop products with customers service usability expectations front of mind. Our telecom product management software platform and all our consulting and training services are based on this premise of ‘customer first’ and deliver concrete time-to-market and return on capital improvements to our telecom customers.” added Mr Glavanic.

“PNG DataCo (DataCo) has been established by the PNG National Executive Council (NEC) as a part of the PNG Government’s plan to restructure the Telecommunication Industry and is tasked with building the National Transmission Network (NTN) that will provide wholesale non-discriminatory telecommunications transmission services. This important undertaking aims to facilitate, stimulate and foster social and economic development in PNG through increased availability at affordable prices of essential broadband communications services.” said Mr. Daniel Leki, General Manager of Corporate Services at DataCo. “DataCo is pleased to be working with Parcus Group who have demonstrated a solid record of positive contribution to telecom businesses around the world and are able to bring the framework, methodology, skills and tools to improve the performance of our teams and products.” added Mr Leki.

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About Parcus Group

Founded in 2004, Parcus Group provides product development, service creation and product management software, training and consulting services for telecommunications and ICT businesses, to improve time-to-market delivery of new products and services, increase staff productivity and enhance competitiveness. Company serves customers globally across 6 continents. For more see:

About PNG Data Co

DataCo is the builder of the PNG National Transmission Network, and provider of wholesale non-discriminatory telecommunications network transmission services using Government owned assets and new capital projects. DataCo’s service offers include transmission and backhaul, IP transmission, customised offerings and international private leased circuits. DataCo had been in operation since February 2014. More info on:

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