Telecom Dispute Management and Dispute Resolution Training Course Overview

This course is a mix of theoretical and practical learning with focus on dispute management in the telecommunications sector covering current resolution methods and future directions.
The course also covers disputes between service providers, regulatory disputes, customer disputes as well as ITU based best practices and approaches.

Key learning outcomes include:

  • Understanding of Dispute Resolution Techniques
  • Learn about Disputes Types and Resolution Approaches
  • Key Considerations in Dispute Management
  • Understand Roles in Dispute Resolution
  • Consider Revenue Assurance and Dispute Management
  • Master the Dispute Management Process 
  • Learn about Settlement and Reconciliation Disputes
  • Implement Dispute Management Tools

Telecom Dispute Management Course Modules Outline

Day 1
Introduction to Dispute ResolutionDispute Management and Resolution
Definition Approach to Dispute Management and Resolution
Overview of Dispute Resolution TechniquesRegulatory Adjudication
Introducing Alternative Dispute Resolution
Mediation and Conciliation
Arbitration Dispute Resolution Bodies
Other Methods of Dispute Resolution
Current Disputes and Resolution ApproachesInvestment Disputes
Interconnection Disputes
Other Disputes between Service Providers
Disputes between Regulators and Service Providers
Consumer Disputes
Radio Frequency Disputes
Others Considerations in Dispute ManagementTelecom Market and Service Evolution
Independent Cost Models as an Effective Mediation Tool
Market Power Asymmetries
Key Perspectives on Dispute ResolutionChanging Patterns and Assumptions
The Economics of Dispute Resolution
Efficient Allocation of Direct Costs
Uncovering Hidden Costs
Market Power Asymmetries
Roles in Dispute ResolutionOfficial versus Non-Official Roles
Adjudicated and Negotiated Proceedings
Review of Adjudications
Procedural Oversight of Negotiated Dispute Resolution Mechanisms
Timelines and Procedures
Practical SessionPractical session involving examples of real dispute cases and dispute management approaches.
Team bases activities.
Day 2
Revenue Assurance and Dispute ManagementSignificance of Revenue Assurance in Dispute Management
Concepts, Application and Best Practices
Detection, Correction, Prevention
Dispute Management Process            Dispute Start
Understand the Business
Understand the Counterpart
Find the Facts Data Collection
Solution Strategy
Settlement and Reconciliation Disputes  Introduction to Volume Commitments
Key Reconciliation and Settlements Concepts
Data Integrity   Advanced Data Verification Methodologies
Testing, Correction, Prevention
Best practices in Data Integrity
Dispute Management ToolsAnalytical Tools and Software
Dispute Logbook & Dashboards
Improving Telecommunications Dispute ResolutionImproving Existing Dispute Resolution Mechanisms
Technological Solutions for a Technological Industry
From ‘Dispute Resolution’ to ‘Problem Solving’
Future DirectionsIncreasing Complexity and Rapid Change from New Technologies.
Improvements Under Way and Available Resources
Consensus-Building Measures
Practical SessionPractical session involving examples of real dispute examples and dispute management approaches.
Team bases activities.

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