Training Course Overview

Our telecom customer experience management training course is structured as a comprehensive and practical program, mixing theory with case studies as well as team exercises. Our approach is built on over 20 years of experience and is tailored to the requirements of telecom operators. It provides an in-depth insight into Customer Experience Management (CEM) specifically for the telecom industry. 

Course aim is to provide knowledge and skills required for planning, implementation, monetisation and monitoring of customer experience in the telecom industry.

Key Training Topics Include: 
• Overview of Telecom Customer Experience Management (CEM)
• CEM Strategy Development and CEM Implementation
• Market Analysis for CEM
• Voice of Customer and Net Promoter Score (NPS)
• Customer Journey Maps and Touch Points 
• Business Process Design for Consistent Customer Experience 
• Alignment of Analytics, Organisational Reporting and Staff KPIs
• Continuous Improvement
• Product Lifecycle and CEM
• Monetise CEM with New Product Development (NPD)

Course Modules Breakdown (Example 2 Day Course)

ModuleShort Description
Day 1
CEM IntroductionEvolution of customer experience management (CEM). CEM and correlation with customer loyalty.
CEM StrategyStrategy & brand positioning. CEM strategy components and strategy development.
Market Analysis for CEMAnalysis of competitors from CEM perspective. Analysis and identification of customer needs from CEM perspective.
Voice of CustomerVoice of Customer (VOC) insight, Net Promoter Score, identify most valuable customers, link VOC with CEM strategy.
Survey development techniquesSurvey development techniques relevant to CEM – how to gather CEM data via customer surveys.
Markets segmentationNeeds based customer segmentation and interaction with CEM.
Customer Touch PointsCustomer touch points identification and touch points management. Business process design for consistent customer experience.
Customer Journey MapsWaterfall of needs, customer journey maps
Day 2
Implementing CEMCEM execution and marketing, CEM best practices, building the CEM team
CEM data analyticsPolicies, incentives
Tools, team mentoring
CEM success metricsAlignment of analytics (internal & customer facing), organisational reporting, staff KPIs, business processes optimisation, continuous improvement program, on-going staff training.
Product Lifecycle and CEMWhat to monitor – product lifecycle and interaction with customer experience, NPS, market share, growth, competitive offers.
Monetise CEM with new product development.How to monetise CEM with new products and services development – focus on consistent customer experience.   

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