Sales and Business Development

Our sales, channel marketing and business development offering is backed by years of experience of collaboration with some of the largest global businesses. We offer a comprehensive range of ‘outsourced sales and business development’ services :

  • Sales consulting, business development services and acquisition of new and anchor customers
  • Customer relationship and strategic account management   
  • Assistance with sales strategy and channel creation including partner and distribution selection 
  • Product accreditation with relevant bodies both in governments and commercial entities
  • Modelling and establishment of end-to-end procurement and logistics processes
  • Sales and technical product training including customised training
  • Marketing programmes including market development funds, customer loyalty and campaign offerings

Strategic Marketing

Our approach to marketing is characterised by focus on market orientation, customer needs and value articulation. Following are some of the key areas our marketing consultants look at to help your business:

  • Customer needs analysis and value creation
  • Competitor analysis and sources of competitive advantage
  • Market segmentation and customer relationship marketing
  • Product positioning, branding and product line strategies
  • Market based pricing and pricing strategies
  • Strategic market planning
  • Performance metrics and strategy implementation tracking

Marketing Research Services

Following are some of the services Parcus Group can provide in the area of Marketing Research:

  • Economic research, forecasting and modelling
  • Formulation of accurate and evidence-based demand or cost forecasts and scenarios
  • Statistics and surveys
  • Undertaking survey design and questionnaire design 
  • Conducting surveys using a variety of methods, and analysis of results
  • Conducting presentations on statistical reports
  • Applying relevant statistical collections to business issues
  • Socio-economic, demographic, consumer, qualitative research, and market analysis
  • Studies using qualitative methods such as interviewing, focus groups or literature reviews
  • Consumer needs studies and market research
  • Market segmentation analysis for telecommunications or any other industry