Training Course Overview

This course is a CVM introductory program tailored to the requirements of telecom operators.
It provides an overview of Customer Value Management as well as practical implementation steps.

Key topics covered include:
•    Overview of Telecom Customer Value Management (CVM)
•    Introduction to CVM Concepts
•    Key CVM Ratios & Customer Experience Management (CEM)
•    Net Promoter Score (NPS)
•    CVM Data Analytics Overview
•    CVM Practical Implementation Steps

Course Modules Breakdown (Example 2 Day Course)

ModuleShort Description
Day 1
Company strategy and Customer Value Added (CVA) RatioCVA and development of corporate strategy, competitive advantage and marketing strategies options. Intersect with Market Based Management (MBM)
CVA ratio and EVA ratiosCVA and EVA introduction and calculation formulas
Relationship of CVA to market shareCVA relationship to market share. Other tools for market size, market demand and market share
Slippery slope toolOverview of slippery slope tool (link of repeat purchases to CVA)
CEM and NPSCustomer experience management and Net Promoter Score
Customer value map toolTool intro and usage including practical exercises
Strategic market assessmentStrategic market assessment of products relevant to market positioning strategies
Attributes tree tool and CVA competitive profileWorth what paid for – development of key attributes. Weight based products attributes development with Kano method.
Survey development techniquesSurvey development techniques relevant to CVM – how to gather CVM data via customer surveys.
Markets segmentationNeeds based market segmentation and other market research
Marketing campaigns ROIMarketing ROI (segment and campaigns profitability analysis)
Day 2
Value based customer product pricing & forecastingValue based customer questionnaire and pricing tool. Incl. practical examples and exercises.
Customer experience ManagementEvolution of CEM, business processes and impact of customer experience
Waterfall of needs (customer touch points)Development of company business processes from customer touch points perspective.
Implementing CVMCVM Success Metrics – CVM strategy, execution and marketing, CVM best practices, building the CVM team
CVM success metricsCVM strategy, execution and marketing
Introduction to statistical data analysisProbability, correlation, regression, multi-variable regression analysis, comparing two means and other analysis tools
CVM data analytics CVM data analytics four pillars: Adding new customers, Retain customers (reduce churn), Sell more to existing customers (BTL and data analytics methods), Reduce risk (credit risk analytics)
Product Lifecycle and CVMProduct lifecycle and interaction with market share, growth, competitive offers and segments
 Key marketing methods and ToolsDetailed exploration of ATL/BTL incl.  product bundling options, internet and social media marketing, outdoor advertising

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